Work Packages

9 work packages are in place throughout these 2 years’ project duration…


Find out more on the 11 partners we have on the project…


Overview of our latest publications, deliverables and database…


Improve productivity and sustainability of land-based shrimp farming

BIORAS_SHRIMP project aims to develop, improve and innovate a bio-secure land based sustainable shrimp culture model to minimize waste, enhance productivity and recover energy and nutrient for additional biomass production, by applying integrated biosystems principles, in the view of a circular economy process. The high demand of shrimp for human consumption has led to rapid expansion of production all over the world. Development of sustainable, productive, climate-neutral and resilient farming systems is, nowadays, an obliged way to provide consumers with affordable, safe, traceable, healthy and sustainable food, while minimizing pressure on ecosystems.





This project will develop and test an innovative, bio-secure Recirculating Aquaculture System model for the intensive culture of shrimps and more…

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about the different solutions the BIORAS_SHRIMP project will develop



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Forth BIORAS SHRIMP Executive Board Meeting

With the presence of all Consortium Partners representatives, the fourth Executive Board meeting of the project “Improvement and innovation of a BIO-secure Recirculating Aquaculture System for SHRIMP and additional biomass circular production (Acronym: BIORAS_SHRIMP), was held, online, on 29th APRIL 2024. 

Bioras_shrimp project featured on Maltese website Plumtri

The Maltese consultancy company AquaBioTech Group is a major partner in the BIORAS-SHRIMP project.

BIORAS_SHRIMP at Aquafarm International Conference and Trade Show

We were part of the two-day exhibition and conference held in Pordenone, Italy 15th and 16th of February 2023

Our presence at the Indo-German workshop

We were present at the Indo-German workshop on "Water conserved…

Meet the BIORAS_SHRIMP Project Team!

First Consortium General Assembly and First Executive Board Meeting.